Namira Azalea
Welcome to Namira’s tinnie world! This is a story about a little fairy, with her pixie dust—— she’s ready to brighten your day
Hii, i'm Mira, lengkapnya Namira Azalea, you can call me mira, mir, nami atau kamu punya panggilan khusus buatku? tentu boleh. People said that i'm a good listener and a good advicer dan memang aku suka dengerin orang cerita karena menurut ku ketika seseorang mencertikan suatu hal ke aku itu artinya aku dipercaya dan aku harus menjaga kepercayaan itu dan menghargainya, jadi jangan ragu buat cerita sama aku ya? don't worry to talk anything to me because i always respect your privacy and i'm not a judgemental person. Aku convo builder and talkative jadi kita gabakal kehabisan topik di room chat nanti, ga percaya? buktiin dehMBTI ku ESTP, my top 3 love language are Words of Affirmation, Quality Time and Act of Services. Aku suka nonton film atau series, genre favorit ku mysteries, thriller, horror, survival dan drama tapi aku banyak nonton berbagai genre, aku punya banyak rekomendasi film dan series buat kamu tonton atau kita nonton bareng aja gimana? aku tunggu. Soal musik aku lebih terbuka lagi sama berbagai genre, aku suka dengerin karya-karya dari Tom Misch, the1975, coldplay, CAS, NIKI, LANY, NCT, Shawn Mendes, Rex Orange Country, Nadin Amizah, Hindia, Kunto Aji, Tulus, etc. masih banyak musisi favoritku yang belum aku sebut, jadi aku kasih tau nanti pas kita ketemu aja ya?Bahasa yang aku gunakan mostly bahasa, english, dan aku bisa Bahasa Sunda karena aku sundanese, da aku mah sunda pisan atuh akang teteh, kumaha damang?Aku ini si anak pagi alias kalong yang jam tidurnya udah ganti hari jadi kalau kamu butuh seseorang buat overthinking bareng, sama aku pas banget. Overthinking sekaligus menceritakan hal-hal yang terjadi di hari itu. Berbagi keluh kesah, jangan dipendem sendiri ya?Sebagai penutup untuk perkenalanku, aku seorang manusia yang juga punya kesibukan in real life jadi maaf ya kalau ga sesuai ekspektasi kamu, tapi aku selalu berusaha untuk kasih yang terbaik buat orang tersayang
Name | Namira Azalea |
Nickname | Mira, Nami |
Main Muse | Karina aespa |
Side Muse | Ryujin ITZY, Winter aespa |
Age | 20+ |
Blood Type | B |
Zodiak | Aquarius |
Love Language | Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Act of Services |
Work hours start from 10am-10pm (GMT +7)
Available on Twitter, Telegram, and KakaoTalk
Available for BA, CA, FA
Available for BxG, GxG (switch), bestie, and sister/family
Asking too much about real life is strictly prohibited
Do respect each other privacy
Only safe for work
I can't do imagine
Doesn't provide NSFW
OTP and VN are not available
I'm not taking responsibility if the client catched feelings
I don't accept refund, you can RE-SCHEDULE your session
Minimum of rent is an hour and maximum rent is a week
Do not disrespect me as a talent, because i will never treat you that way too
Payment first to avoid HNR
The client MUST FILL THE TESTIMONIAL after the session ended


Free services
request face claim
request pet name
request typing
Additional services
sposess 3k/hour
PDA 5k/day
stay up late 3k/hour (max 2 AM)
put name on bio 2k
study date 5k/hour (discuss first)
movie date 5k/movie
food/drink date (bills on you)
couple layout (bills on you)
another date (discuss first)
HOURLY (all free services) 4k/hour
REGULER (2-3 client/day, all free services) 8k/day, 21k/3 days
VIP (only you, one platform, all free services, spotify session 1 hour) 16k/day, 45k/3 days, 95k/week
VVIP (only you, all platform, all free services, flexible hour, choose two add services) 22k/day, 62k/3 days, 120k/week

Name :
Username :
Platform & ID :
Backup account :
Type Acc (BA/CA/FA) :
Package (hourly/regular/vip/vvip) :
Start - end :
Relationship (bxg/bestie/sister) :
Your face claim :
Req face claim :
Req typing :
Req pet name :
Do(s) :
Don't(s) :
Describe yourself :
Describe your type :
Your dream relationship :
Current interest :
Mind if I spam u : yes/no
Other req :
Additional service :
Payment via :